Mira Rawat, age 7, has heard tales of Farland all her life from her mother, who has described the magical place of gnomes, fairies, mermaids and animals, and especially its wondrous festival, the New Moon Party. Now, Mira has been informed by a man named Bushy that she has been invited by Princess Harmonica to attend the party. Bushy also uses a spell to turn her two friends, the mischievous and vexing boys, Bira and Vira, into rats so that they will not disturb the other party guests with their constant fighting and misbehaviour. At midnight, Mira, with Bira and Vira snuggled in her pocket, climbs Gunhill and is picked up by the pilot Starhead and flown in his plane to the party. However, the flight is cut short by a terrible wind, and Starhead is forced to land his plane near the Lost Forest. There, Mira discovers that Farland is in great jeopardy. Another Farland resident, Windman, has been generating great windstorms to prevent the Queen of Witches from reaching Dragon Hill. She intends to release the Dragon of Underhill, chained in its den beneath Dragon Hill, so that Farland will be burned and completely destroyed.
Book Blurbs:
‘AIF is a perfect
combination of vocabulary, humour and teachable moments.’—Mother’s Gurukul
‘The story evolved into something unique.’—Shilpi
Chaklanobis, Author of Panorama
‘The climax is well
written.’—My Teeny Tot
‘This is the kind of
book I would love to gift someone because I know it would cheer them
up.’—Travelling Through Words
‘I loved the writing.’—Ipshita, listed in top 100 reviewers on
‘It will hold the interest of young readers.’—The Average
Mom, Author of 26 Words- A to Z of Short Stories
‘The mystical
characters introduced in the story are unique yet relatable.’—The Mom Sagas
‘The plot is very interesting and gripping till the
end.’—Name Place Animal Thing
‘The author has unique ability to describe things.’—Halo of
‘A storyline that both, young and older readers will love.’—Mithila
Reviews Books
‘Writing is beautiful and very artistic.’— Diary of a Book
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